Where is everyone?

Haha, that's what I figured but I was just trying to make sure.

Your twitter, at times, is just like the tree falling in the woods but keep that passion up for random Big 12 basketball my friend.
Yeah there isn't much of a plan or direction to this ****. But my big 12 pride runs one team deep and imma let it shine.
The internet at my mother in law's house blows. Plus no cable TV. Thanksgiving in the MF gulag, you guys.
Technically, yes. I have the best beer available. But even the selection at the growler store sucked this time.

I knew coming in there would be no cable, but I figured no sweat because last time the internet was fine and I could just stream WatchESPN or whatever I wanted. Apparently since then she's downsized to a discount plan on a discount internet provider and it's awful. I was trying to watch the Hawks game earlier off my Slingbox at home and it was like watching blocky choppy Quicktime porn in 1994.
Is this the time of year when we always talk about chicken livers in Ben's neck of the woods, also? Or is that another Verc time of year?
Heh, that was also on Thanksgiving. Thus far I've been able to avoid thing back there, but there's a possibility we'll have to go next month during Christmas break. Hoping to keep kicking that can down the road a little further.
From a Gourmet magazine article on the wall next to the door: "Ridgewood is the best barbecue in Tennessee, and therefore the world."
@GrantRamey (@GrantRamey)
Per game notes, Tennessee has faced the toughest schedule in the nation over the last two seasons according to NCAA SOS formula.

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