Where is everyone?

I turned it on. Lots of other folks did.

the W/L? Nah, didn't really care.
Not gonna lie, I've participated in the Derek Jetaaaa chant in Yankee Stadium with great drunken enthusiasm.

I was usually wearing a Braves hat, so that makes it ok.
AV I feel like I can ask you over here. What was Freeze like as a coach, and recruiter? Obviously he's doing something right to be recruiting as well as he is in Oxford.
Not AV

But contagious energy. Leader of men. All the cliche things people think are stupid but actually matter a great deal in coaching because he has the ability to get people to buy in to what he's selling. Innovative and fun offense.

Ten years ago he was a HS girls bball coach. They lost like two games in six years. He's just a leader
Ol brown is wearing jeans and an untucked (best part) customary fall Friday orange power T golf wear polo. I'm getting to work late and leaving early. And none of it matters 😎
Since we have some people with some first hand knowledge, I ask this question with complete sincerity and an open mind (god, typing that just makes me sound like such a douche) do you guys believe that Freeze is running a, mostly, clean program? I say mostly because nobody is completely clean. I don't really point to the results as to why I ask, even though that class two years ago was uncharacteristically amazing for OM, but more so his coming up under Coach O. I know he wasn't with him for an extremely long time but in my mind I've always, admittedly probably unfairly, painted him with the Orgeron coaching tree brush. Am I off base with that?
I think his connection with orgeron is really overblown.

I think he would do almost anything to win though.


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