The Somewhat Serious Discussion Thread

Christ, Noch. Must I have lived in vain?

A) Congratulations, I guess, and

B) Now it's time to focus on not having the second one. Because the second one is the real destroyer.

Thanks, I guess.

And, unless there's some unforeseen issues, I might as well have Calipari on the phone because I'm one and done.
Colin Kaepernick eh?

I understand completely that in his position he is taking a stand against oppression. I'm just honestly not sure what it symbolizes, so maybe someone can point it out to me. I'm assuming it's because the flag is supposed to represent a "United" States, however he feels it isn't United. Does the lack of acknowledging it not make it counter productive? It rebels against the entire unity. Maybe I have ignorance in the situation and someone can explain it to me better. I mean I get he feels it isn't United, I just feel there are better ways to express that. Rebeling against the flag to me would be more disrespectful to the men and women in armed forces than anything.
The flag and anthem represent the very reason he has the ability to express his feelings on the subject in the first place.

Good read (IMO) from Matt Walsh...this was taken from his FB post:

More riots last night. This time in Charlotte. Another black man, Keith Scott, was shot by a black cop, which was a good enough reason to loot a Walmart and throw rocks at moving vehicles.This happened just a day after Terence Crutcher was shot in Tulsa.

In both cases we were told the men were law abiding, compliant, unarmed, pillars of the community and so on. In Scott's case, they told us he was "reading a book" when the cops ran in and executed him for no reason. In Crutcher's case, they told us his car broke down when the cops rolled up and executed him for no reason.

Then, within hours, the truth began to reveal itself. Scott wasn't holding a book, he was holding a gun. He wasn't compliant. They told him to drop it and he didn't.

Crutcher's car didn't break down. He abandoned it in the middle of the road because he said it was going to explode. He was hallucinating. They found PCP in the car, so I think we know why. He wasn't compliant. They told him to stop moving and get on the ground but he kept walking towards his car. They say he reached into it. I don't know if that's true, but you certainly can't say it isn't true.

I still can't tell you whether these shootings were justified, but I can say that the story we heard initially in both cases was, as usual, bogus. Does that mean both men brought their deaths upon themselves? That remains to be seen. But the facts are not leaning entirely in their favor at the moment.

And I can say one more thing:

Whatever the truth ends up being, it seems clear that, once again, if these men had followed the law and listened to the commands of the officers, they'd still be alive. It seems like there's a very simple two step process to avoid being killed by police. It goes like this:

1. Don't break the law.

2. Comply with lawful commands.

That doesn't mean everyone who breaks the law or doesn't comply should be shot. But it does mean that doing either of those things puts you in an at-risk category. It's best to avoid putting yourself in that category, which means avoiding brandishing weapons at the police or smoking PCP, among other unwise behaviors.

It is very, very, very, very rare that someone who is truly non-violent, law abiding and compliant gets killed by the cops. I'm not saying it never happens. It does happen. But it's rare. Not an epidemic. Not a pattern. A tragic aberration. Almost everyone who is shot by the police has gone out of their way to put themselves in a volatile situation with law enforcement.

So, no matter who ends up being at fault in Charlotte and Tulsa, I think we can learn from it. Or we would be able to learn from it if we were allowed to have an honest conversation about it without an angry mob screaming "RACIST" at us.
Good read. It isn't even exclusive to events like these, but so many times we are fed stories from different outlets that it causes a knee jerking reaction, that usually comes back to bite us as a society and only makes matters worse. News outlets never take time to figure out what actually happens. They just feed out anything to get ratings and disregard the consequences. Not one media outlet is held accountable, and like John Mayer said, "When they own they information the can bend it all they want."
It really is. Depressing.

I find myself wondering if we are on the verge of the same types of situations that existed precluding the American Revolution, Civil War, etc. How much longer can we go on like this...?
I know you have to be vague on purpose so difficult to know the full story but sounds like he wasn't exactly a winner. Glad to read that all the good guys came out of it alright.

It was a rough day. It was the first critical incident I've been involved in so I was most concerned with the welfare of my guys.
This news about the Sheriffs Deputies in Florida not going inside during the school shooting just tears me up inside. It goes against everything I believe in and stand for. Makes me sick. I wish I had been there to respond in their place. This is the stuff we should be willing to die for. I think the vast majority of us are, and it just blows my mind that there were 4 people there that weren’t.

I just can’t understand it.
When I have more time and not on my phone I’ll try and expound a bit more and make this a little more intelligent but I do actually like and agree with certain issues/ideas that he raises and discusses often, which is why my sentence on the mothership was that some of his views are easy to hate.

That being said, he loses me completely when he gets into gender roles and women = chaos, Taoism bullshit. As someone who is married to a woman who is every bit my equal in our marriage and the raising of my son, anyone that tells me she is the chaos and I’m the order in our relationship has already lost me (and no Scotty, she doesn’t Chop so she won’t see that).

I was raised by a father who treated my mother and his kid’s amazingly and who I love and respect very much but he believes similarly and it pisses me off. His version of it is biblical in nature which I don’t believe Peterson’s is but it echoes a lot of what I heard growing up. I didn’t realize it until I was much older but that view warped how I saw women I dated earlier in my adulthood and even partially how I viewed my own mother.

Ok, that went a little deeper than I originally intended so I’ll stop there but that at least gets to some of my issues with him. Plus, on top of that I feel like he’s taken what once was an actual intellectual stance on certain issues (even though I disagreed with some of them) and turned his platform into a bit of a three ring circus in order to profit. It works for him, and I’m all for anyone finding ways to take care of themselves but it makes it harder to take seriously.
When I have more time and not on my phone I’ll try and expound a bit more and make this a little more intelligent but I do actually like and agree with certain issues/ideas that he raises and discusses often, which is why my sentence on the mothership was that some of his views are easy to hate.

That being said, he loses me completely when he gets into gender roles and women = chaos, Taoism bullshit. As someone who is married to a woman who is every bit my equal in our marriage and the raising of my son, anyone that tells me she is the chaos and I’m the order in our relationship has already lost me (and no Scotty, she doesn’t Chop so she won’t see that).

I was raised by a father who treated my mother and his kid’s amazingly and who I love and respect very much but he believes similarly and it pisses me off. His version of it is biblical in nature which I don’t believe Peterson’s is but it echoes a lot of what I heard growing up. I didn’t realize it until I was much older but that view warped how I saw women I dated earlier in my adulthood and even partially how I viewed my own mother.

Ok, that went a little deeper than I originally intended so I’ll stop there but that at least gets to some of my issues with him. Plus, on top of that I feel like he’s taken what once was an actual intellectual stance on certain issues (even though I disagreed with some of them) and turned his platform into a bit of a three ring circus in order to profit. It works for him, and I’m all for anyone finding ways to take care of themselves but it makes it harder to take seriously.
I appreciate you responding. I certainly agree with some of your points regarding gender and marriage, but I also agree with him to an extent as well. Perhaps it was because I was also raised in a southern Baptist home with those same values. The chaos and order stuff is interesting and gives you things to reflect on and dive into, but I don’t know that I’d go so far as to assign it to one person in a relationship or another.

Your comment on the mothership about some of his views being “easy to hate” just struck me and I was curious what it was. I find a lot of his work extremely profound and I do think he is misconstrued and his comments misrepresented to a great extent (not that you did that.)