Braves Thread Podcast

This may be a super long podcast. Gonna have to decide between:
A marathon one with all ideas

A long vols and sec one, then a separate non-vols one.

2 Short vols + off topic
Yeahhhhh thanks guys. Think we gotta split it up. Outline sent to Z... We'll build material and trim for specific episodes.
Nice. Ready to read the blog reaction on Smokey's Ballz about this year's first cast
We're trying to think about the schedule for this next stretch and this fall.

This week, record sec West preview.

Next week, record 2016 recruiting class recap prior to fall camp.

Should we do a separate ncaa-wide preview episode? Or incorporate it into these gradually?

We'll do a season walk-through episode.

Any thoughts on when to drop these, how to divide them up, etc... Feel free to share.
Do a separate one for the ncaa wide preview, do it the week before the opening weekend, unless you need one to do in the meantime then do it then. Jmo
Been slacking on checking out the latest podcast, but I have an 8 hour drive tomorrow so I'll be binging that SHlT.

I have some comments for you guys that I want to type up when I'm not on my phone. The two most glaring things have already been addressed, I think...

1. Three hours is insane.
2. DBake's mike is struggling hard.
Yeah we are considering Skype or another recording option to see if I sound better, or break up less.
OK, here's my thoughts on the podcast. Take them for whatever they're worth to you.

I will qualify a lot of my comments by saying that their relevance hinges on exactly what you want this podcast to be. If it's just something for fun, to share with friends, and to have a good time with, then it's perfect as it is. Since you post the link on VN for God and everyone to see, I get the idea that you guys take it seriously and want it to be as good as it possibly can be. If that's the case, then I hope you take this criticism for the constructive analysis and attempt to make you guys as good as you can be that it is.

There are times when I find myself thinking that you guys might be better off doing individual podcasts. You both have a lot to offer and could easily hold your own doing a solo effort. It just seems like at times you each take turns in dominating the podcast. But ss soon as I'm thinking that, I find that you compliment one another very well. So I think it's an experience thing and getting to know one another more and more to make things flow more smoothly. You guys could easily go either direction. There's a lot of times when you're like "did you want to do that now?" or "do you have anything else that you want to say before we move on to the next segment?", and I guess it make me notice that dudes like SVP and Russilo and the Dan LeBatard Show that do this for a living are absolutely flawless in their transitions. That comes with experience and practice, I know, so it kind of brings me back to my point on what you want this to be. I don't want to nitpick you guys on this if it's just for fun and no big deal or whatever.

I was blown away by the amount of knowledge and info you were able to present on not only UT football but every team in the SEC east. It was amazing, honestly. Super impressed. My suggestion would be to find a way to compress it a bit, though, because by the time we got to Vandy I was beyond saturated. That may just be my simple mind reaching capacity, so take it for what it's worth.

You guys really hit your stride when you started talking NBA, which I thought was interesting because I would have thought the SEC segment would have been much more smooth than anything else. You asked each other questions and really fed off each other well. It just seemed a lot more fluid, which may have been a result of talking for 3 hours (LOL), whereas the SEC talk seemed a little more rigid and stiff. I hope that makes sense.

You guys did an awesome job, but someone like me who is pretty much OCD like me needs this in like 30-45 minute blocks. It's obvious you're both passionate about it, and I applaud you for that, but I need it broken up more to stay engaged. If you both weren't dudes that I knew from the Internet and had a vested interest in seeing succeed, I would have stopped listening long before it was over just because of the sheer volume.

Also got a kick out of DBake's routine use of "YYYYEEEEEESSSS".

Keep at it. I really enjoyed the whole thing and appreciated both of your insight on everything you covered. It's as good as any UT sports talk show out there, and I mean that.

Cliffs Notes: It's good, but doesn't hold a candle to Smokey's Ballz.

PS: I've had about 8 beers, so I hope this is constructive and makes sense.
GWN, this is great. Thank you. We definitely see it as something fun, but we want to improve the product. And we would both be completely fine with a bigger audience. We have had the chemistry since the beginning, so I want that to play up more, too.

I think the #1 thing that would help flow, length, transitions, and enjoyable casual conversations would be a daily podcast with a smaller agenda. Now, I don't think our schedules necessarily allow for something like that, but maybe.

The #2 thing that would help transition, flow, etc would be in person with a studio setup, obviously. I think a big reason SVP and Russillo, etc., can flow is because they spend time together, sort of know each other's tells and moods, anddddd have someone in their ear pacing them.

For instance, right now, if there's a pause or something... we don't know if it's a breath, looking something up, or a big technical difficulty. So we freeze.

I think with a big agenda, we sort of feel we need to rush to the next topic and it takes away from... casual conversation. or anecdotes, or laughing about something. There is no time for a "break" because we have to cover more. And, overall, it's just more likely to lose the listener. And that's what we don't want, because we bring a lot of good information.

Something like:
Monday - Florida and Vandy, other conversation
Tuesday - Georgia and SC, other conversation
Wednesday - Kentucky and Mizzou, other conversation
Would be so much fun.
So maybe we find a way to turn 'recording day' into a few smaller episodes, rather than one big one. Even with what we just did, I might try to download the audio file and post individual chunks - Perhaps even re-post team chunks the week of that game.

We are obviously both wary of becoming too argumentative and hot-take-ish... So we want to bring info first and foremost. But I think our personalities showing a bit more would be a good thing. Conversation is the best part of this.

Something I loved about SVP&Russillo is them knowing each other so well and not being shy about casual conversation about life. That stuff's important, too.

I don't mind the novel... really don't. Appreciate the thoughts a lot.

Might post some more rambling thoughts about it here tomorrow. We also have some cool ideas coming up.

Cliff can kiss my white rear.
I can see how not being in the same room while recording makes it a challenge, so that makes total sense. To me, the only solution is a substantial amount of prep work to discuss the structure of the segment and how you plan to proceed from one topic or idea to the next. Then again, that may take away from some of the spontaneity.

Smaller podcasts seems like the way to go to me...even if you record them all at once. That way you can delineate in advance "OK, this half hour is about the passing game, coaching changes, and App St". Seems like that will help in all aspects.

The more you do it, the better you will get (twss). There's just no substitute for practice and experience. Keep it up.