Where is everyone?

Gentlemen, if you don't mind, can you send prayers/good vibes my brother's way? Would be much appreciated. Thanks
Two weeks from now I'll (likely) be in Badlands national park
Hey guys, I'm not normally one to do this, but would you mind throwing some prayers and thoughts my way? Going through some medical issues and a lot is up in the air at the moment and any positive vibes would be appreciated.
Hey guys, I'm not normally one to do this, but would you mind throwing some prayers and thoughts my way? Going through some medical issues and a lot is up in the air at the moment and any positive vibes would be appreciated.

Oh wow, prayers sent Archer! Hope everything is ok bud
Hey guys, I'm not normally one to do this, but would you mind throwing some prayers and thoughts my way? Going through some medical issues and a lot is up in the air at the moment and any positive vibes would be appreciated.

Dang man. Hope everything is OK buddy.
Hey guys, I'm not normally one to do this, but would you mind throwing some prayers and thoughts my way? Going through some medical issues and a lot is up in the air at the moment and any positive vibes would be appreciated.

Good luck bud, hope it isn't anything too serious.

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