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Deputy Marshal killed in Baton Rouge, LA this morning. Shot in the neck by a double-homicide suspect.

This life, man. Way too short.
Deputy Marshal killed in Baton Rouge, LA this morning. Shot in the neck by a double-homicide suspect.

This life, man. Way too short.

My brothers had a classmate whose mother had a heart attack Sunday afternoon. Never showed any signs. Was dead Monday morning. The kid is 20. Life can be cruel.
Scotty...I'm at the Rogers Shooting School in Ellijay, GA this week. you need to Google that ish, bro. It is freaking intense.
That looks pretty freakin awesome, I'd love to do the open handgun and rifle courses. The night shoot would be insanely awesome. Bill Rogers sounds brilliant and like complete bad ass. Just picked up a couple new firearms this week, a S&W .22 revolver for the wife, she is about to get her concealed carry, and an 80's model Benelli Black Eagle. Just spent the last 3 hours stripping it down completely, and cleaning out 20 years of foul. Next project will be a tactical 12. I am loving the Beretta sub compact 9.
Dude this course is insane. It is so freaking fast. Made me look like an amateur, and I'm a pretty decent shooter.

I may hook up a go-pro later in the week if I get brave...

What is your old lady going to carry for concealed?
Dude this course is insane. It is so freaking fast. Made me look like an amateur, and I'm a pretty decent shooter.

I may hook up a go-pro later in the week if I get brave...

What is your old lady going to carry for concealed?

It's looks pretty wild. A little S&W stainless 8 shot revolver .22 caliber. I can switch the cylinder out for a mag if she wanted. She shot that and a .38, was a little more comfortable with the .22
He must have deleted it?

Must have. Rutgers troll called out GFW and said he wasn't an insider, so everyone bashed Rutgers dude. PJ takes the Rutgers side, then turns out GFW was right in what he said and makes the Rutgers dude look bad. There was also an argument (sorta) of PJ siding with the Rutgers because everyone believes he has a vendetta against insiders. Pretty typical VN offseason stuff
That's kind of small for a self-defense weapon though, no?

Definitely, she wasn't as comfortable with the .38 or anything much larger. It is a good entry level for her, this is her first handgun. I definitely plan on upgrading the cylinder to the mag at least. It is probably more for the range than actual self protection. But I see an upgrade in the future.

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