Where is everyone?

Boys, be safe. I can already tell this is gonna be bad in Clarksville. Radar isn't looking any better. Already about a half inch of ice.
For my job I have to report the weather outside by measuring it and calling it in to NWS. Clarksville got .6" of ice with about .1" of snow on top of that. It's still freezing rain but starting to switch back to snow now
Our ducks are dying, GWN.

100% chance of snow starting at 3:00, 18 degrees, feels like 10.

Thursday: High of 9, Low of -11
Looks like it's going to be straight rain down here after we spent all weekend expecting snow/ice. Kind of a disappointment, but on the bright side being stuck in the house gets old really fast.
I got some cheez its, some ginger snaps, some cereal & milk, some apples, some hummus and some pretzel chips.

And beer.

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