Where is everyone?

Preciate the heads-up brother

Yessir, glad you were able to get a hold of them. I didn't realize until you asked about them how difficult they seemed to be to find online with just a normal search. Luckily I had the vaguest memory of them coming from Hound Dogs.
Cuff links are ice cold. Add the MEMPHIS GRIZZLIES set and you're good to go.
Also doing my best not to comment on AJ in Braves thread...

Will not comment on AJ...

Will not comment on AJ...
I haven't commented on AJ or the situation. Just that asinine statement.

The idea that AJ Johnson, NFL propsect from Georgia who tried to go pro last year but couldn't get the grade he wanted, has worked his whole life for senior day in Knoxville is silly. It's something I'd expect Volly to say. I'd expect you of all people to have a realistic perspective towards how pro players' attitude towards college ball.

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