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Someone just asked how old I am in an effort to set me up with their daughter while making coffee in one of the breakrooms this morning

No more coffe for brown

Someone just asked how old I am in an effort to set me up with their daughter while making coffee in one of the breakrooms this morning

No more coffe for brown

The whole reason I forced myself to drink it black to begin with was to minimize the time in the breakroom interfacing with people. Those old people with their sugars and their flavored creamers and their little stirrers think it's frigging social hour. If you take it black and you don't get stuck being the one to make the new pot then you're in and out in 20 seconds.
how much over-the-line coffee preparation innuendo can brown think of next time that fella approaches him?
"Is your daughter how I like my coffee?.."

"I bet a cup full of her would wake me up in the morning"

"I bet she could make me drip in her hot pot"

God that's inappropriate
Squirt a lil cream in her

Pour a little sugar on top

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