Where is everyone?

Having a drink and hoping AV is doing the same. Promotion/raise drunk is just about the best drunk there is. Cheers to you sir.
give me the relatively short answer of what Ali did to Frazier in terms of being an a_hole?

i like watching boxing on tv, but have never been into the past greats, or past/current politics of it. I just enjoy watching it.

Verc already gave you the more in depth answer but, to add to his point, he also managed to paint Frazier as the "white people's champion" and turned an entire African continent against him for their last fight. All the while claiming a superior religious standing due to his association with Islam but refused to let his wife come over from America during his training camp so he could sleep with his multiple mistresses.
Ali somehow managed to simultaneously turn black people against Frazier for being an Uncle Tom and white people against Frazier for being a big dumb gorilla. He played both sides at the same time and got away with it. As I said, he was a charismatic son of a bi tch. And the press was orders of magnitude less sophisticated back then.
Another thing on Frazier-Ali (sorry boxing was a passion of mine back in my middle school days):

Verc is completely right for Ali's reasoning but another element is that Ali and Frazier were really good friends. Frazier was a really good guy and did multiple things for Ali. Frazier gave him money when Ali's handlers took his money after he was banned and Frazier ROUTINELY stuck his neck out in defense of Ali, saying he should be allowed to box and even said that he knew Ali was the champ and that as soon as Ali was ready, he would give him a title shot with no reservation. Frazier was a good friend to Ali.

Ali (who wasn't as smart as people claim he was) figured that after the trash talking that Frazier would understand it was just ribbing to hype the fight and try and get in his head (and Ali even went out of his way to praise Frazier after every fight, something he didn't do for anyone else) but Frazier didn't feel that way at all and felt betrayed (rightly). I think he even said it was karma and God's way of punishing Ali when he got Parkinson's.

Here's a good article on it: Joe Frazier was better than Muhammad Ali, in and out of the ring | Offhanded Dribble
Friday doods

Enjoy the hell outta the weekend, Lotto. A Friday afternoon is still a great thing when it signifies the end of a work week but it doesn't compare to the feeling of the week being over when in school. Those were good times.
Enjoy the hell outta the weekend, Lotto. A Friday afternoon is still a great thing when it signifies the end of a work week but it doesn't compare to the feeling of the week being over when in school. Those were good times.

Definitely believe that. Three midterms and major paper in three days kicked my ass though. I'll be fine until finals time, hah.
Yeah.. We called those Thursday afternoons when I was in school

I did too for my first two years but once I got into the classes for my major it became more difficult to avoid Friday scheduling. Could never seem to finish before about 2:30 on Friday afternoons, a lot had to do with many of them not taking place in class rooms and working around production schedules.

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