Fantasy Football League

Coaching genius on display, obviously.

I play FF like I'm Milton Berle, show 'em juuuuust enough to win.
No secrets just haven't settled on anything yet. Had a girl's name locked down so, obviously, that's not what it turned out to be.

We have one name that's one of the leaders in the clubhouse that was one of the first things we kicked around waaaaay before she was even pregnant that has an (unintentional and now not all that positive) UT football connection. I'll hold off on telling you animals what it is though until the event that it ever becomes officially official.
No secrets just haven't settled on anything yet. Had a girl's name locked down so, obviously, that's not what it turned out to be.

We have one name that's one of the leaders in the clubhouse that was one of the first things we kicked around waaaaay before she was even pregnant that has an (unintentional and now not all that positive) UT football connection. I'll hold off on telling you animals what it is though until the event that it ever becomes officially official.

Arian, IMO

Or Butch?

Haha, correct on the first guess, but the second one did make me laugh after the hints I gave about being bad at football. We knew we were basically going to start trying on the honeymoon so the idea of names came up back in April and it was one of the only ones that we both liked as soon as one of us said it. Then the season rolled around and I was yelling at Jumper all the time, she joked that it was off the table but we seem to keep coming back to it.

I wanted to go just full Irish as balls and name the kid Declan but she wasn't as thrilled with that option. My father in law just told me to wait until right after the delivery when the nurse asks for the name and then bring it back up again, he said she'd be so drugged up still that she'd agree to anything at that point.
Definitely haven't given up on it yet, I've got another 4 months to work on her.