GWN's Fitness Thread

Saving this here for me
How did it go? @TBreazy
Hard to put into words honestly. It was a great event, amazing crowd support the entire length of the course, mostly flat. Warmer and more humid than expected but a beautiful day. I finished which is cool and people think is great, and I am extremely grateful for. Raised a lot of money for a lot of charities. St Jude will eclipse over $1mn from this event alone.

But I can’t help feeling disappointed. I knew with the crowds that I couldn’t get out normal pace. I’ve run a couple large events before and committed to not wasting energy weaving through people and just going with the flow.

I wanted to get out between 9-930 whatever I could crowd wise for the first 2-3 miles or however long I needed and then settle in around 8:30-8:40. My first mile was 9:17. The course never “opened up” even throughout the whole thing but I was pretty quickly able to find the lane I wanted to be in and started clipping 8:30-8:40 miles almost immediately.

I ran 10 miles consistently in that 10 second range pace. Then out of no where without surging or laboring AT ALL, I felt like I had been shot in my left hamstring. Total cramp. I tried to do the BS 30 second stretch it out and keep going but immediately ceased. Then I spent what was probably 3-4 min but felt like an hour working it out. Eventually got to a place I could run again.

Slowed it down a little and ran 4-5 more before cramps came back. From then it was just hammering as much Gatorade/bananas as I could and moving on.

To be honest I haven’t even looked at my official time. It was faster than the strolling Jim for sure. I’m very happy and proud to have finished but just not what I expected or felt able to do at all. I’ve never cramped mid run in my life. I was ready for my feet to hurt, my knees, my ankles. I was ready to be tired, for my lungs to be on fire. I just felt freaking helpless man.
Hard to put into words honestly. It was a great event, amazing crowd support the entire length of the course, mostly flat. Warmer and more humid than expected but a beautiful day. I finished which is cool and people think is great, and I am extremely grateful for. Raised a lot of money for a lot of charities. St Jude will eclipse over $1mn from this event alone.

But I can’t help feeling disappointed. I knew with the crowds that I couldn’t get out normal pace. I’ve run a couple large events before and committed to not wasting energy weaving through people and just going with the flow.

I wanted to get out between 9-930 whatever I could crowd wise for the first 2-3 miles or however long I needed and then settle in around 8:30-8:40. My first mile was 9:17. The course never “opened up” even throughout the whole thing but I was pretty quickly able to find the lane I wanted to be in and started clipping 8:30-8:40 miles almost immediately.

I ran 10 miles consistently in that 10 second range pace. Then out of no where without surging or laboring AT ALL, I felt like I had been shot in my left hamstring. Total cramp. I tried to do the BS 30 second stretch it out and keep going but immediately ceased. Then I spent what was probably 3-4 min but felt like an hour working it out. Eventually got to a place I could run again.

Slowed it down a little and ran 4-5 more before cramps came back. From then it was just hammering as much Gatorade/bananas as I could and moving on.

To be honest I haven’t even looked at my official time. It was faster than the strolling Jim for sure. I’m very happy and proud to have finished but just not what I expected or felt able to do at all. I’ve never cramped mid run in my life. I was ready for my feet to hurt, my knees, my ankles. I was ready to be tired, for my lungs to be on fire. I just felt freaking helpless man.
You f’ing finished though. You persevered through adversity and didn’t quit. That’s says more about you than any time ever could.
That sucks dude. Put all that time into the prep and then have it go sideways like that is brutal.

Grinding that shit out like that is legit. Lot of people would have packed it in. Nothing to do but let it motivate you for the next one.

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