Oklahoma Tailgate


Senior Member
Apr 11, 2013
Got my tickets.. I'm there. We are two months away. What's the deal?

Anybody have a designated tailgating spot? I have a great parking location that I always use. It's pretty good hike to stadium though. I don't mind supplying cornhole boards but I don't wanna carry them a mile.

Let's get some ideas going.
I have a parking pass to the Visitor's Center already, but it's also a hike. I can meet up anywhere.
We usually park in a church Peking lot that is a decent walk and play there. Usually a good amount of people there
L is dead on end zone. Straight view

The only time i went to a game there i sat in Y, the other endzone. Sat right in the middle of the goal post and watched the team run out from under me in the black jerseys.
Can no longer attend. Just found out my cousin is getting married Sept 12. Insanely pissed.
I'm in there like swimwear still

What's the plan pregame homies

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