Where is everyone?

Been in a funk lately gents. Someone who is my elder tell me to get with it and perk the **** up. I need a braves thread bi*ch slap.

Anyone who is still "in a funk" when he's your age might as well go ahead and put his head in the oven. You don't have a wife, you don't have kids, you don't have a mortgage, you're still years away from the part where your body starts hurting all the time. Perk the fsck up.
My dudes.

Figured out some of the people I'll be working with at tOSU... as a TA/RA in the fall. Obviously, I'll be working with certain faculty... but in the Fall, I am assisting two lecturers with a "Written and Oral Communications" master's-level class.

One of the lecturers has 8 years of experience with the Ohio Dept. of Education, so I think that will be a great opportunity to make connections in Columbus and statewide.

The other works in Compliance at tOSU... He has a law degree from Stanford. He clerked for then-assistant-AG Eric Holder while in law school. Prior to that, at Columbia, he was a TA/RA for George Stephanopoulos.

In the spring, once I have more classroom experience, I will TA with faculty from my college and hopefully take over the class more and more. I think the chance to instantly have those connections outside of my faculty will be great, and I will be working with what seems like two pretty impressive people.
In to the doctor tomorrow morning to get this shoulder checked out. Praying nothing is torn up, but I'm fearing the worst. Thing has been killing me for weeks...
In to the doctor tomorrow morning to get this shoulder checked out. Praying nothing is torn up, but I'm fearing the worst. Thing has been killing me for weeks...

If this was in the Manly Man thread I'd tell you to quit being such a pansy, rub some dirt on it and get back out there, dammit!

But, since it's not, I too hope you get some good news.
Huff saying the 2001 76ers beat the Lakers with Westbrook instead of Iverson they would have won the series was comedy gold.
Huff talking UFC in the UFC thread also took years off my life. That dude may be the biggest chach on VN.
Never leaving MLB forum except to troll FF and "YOU GONE LEARN TODAY" posts
Hey GWN, how is your shoulder? Good news I hope?

Thanks for asking. It's messed up, just a matter of how bad. I had an MRI on Tuesday, and I go back to see the doc and go over the results this coming Tuesday. X-rays showed that my collar bone is displaced at the AC joint, which means at least minimal tearing of ligaments. Usually they won't do surgery unless it's really bad. So that explains the pain on the top of the shoulder, but the other issue is the pain in the front. Hopefully the MRI will clear that up.

I really hope it's minimal, since I can't have any surgery or do anything intensive with it until I graduate next June.

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