Where is everyone?

The one thing I simply do not understand is the Markakis deal.

I would guess that the Braves look at it the same way that Chief does -- they think Markakis gives you 80 percent of what Heyward does at soon-to-be half the price.

I don't completely hate it because it's only money, and I don't think there's much of an opportunity cost because it's not like they'd be able to afford any significant FAs anyway. Obviously they overpaid considering he's got neck problems, but I think they just wanted to lock him in at a relatively affordable rate while they could. Salaries are going to be crazy by the end of his contract.
Yeah I can see the points, hopefully he can still play at a high level when we are actually ready to compete. Just bitter our window slammed shut with literally nothing to show for it. The best moment we've had since Ankiel was Hot Handz slapping one up the middle to seal us one freaking post season win.
***Off topic Corvette update***

Getting really close to turning that key for the first time...


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