Where is everyone?

Man, I wish there were a way to remedy all of this, sexual assault/rape is the worst. Especially when it is centered around he said/she said. If those boys were out of line, I wish them nothing but the worst. If the females are falsely crying afoul, same goes for them. I am happy that Butch is making the right call, as it is deemed by media and us as well. Sucks, that these issues must run through the court of public opinion and sucks even more when they it gets swept under the rug. What a disaster these become, the truth is no where and people are convicted before even being charged. What's the answer? I honestly don't know.
I hate the Cubs' insufferable fans damn near as much as I hate Cardinals fans. 80 percent of them are just in it because they like the drama. "Oh look at me! I'm so tortured!"
From work on down

Had an hour worth of work left and said **** it, I'll do it tomorrow
At the bar before the YOUR MEMPHIS GRIZZLIES play.. Thinking about ending it all


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