Where is everyone?


I was not expecting Derek Barnett to be a destroyer of worlds as a freshman.

That man is absurdly good.
When we got the ball back with 1:29 I had a whole post typed out about how we've had so many battles this year, seen progress, had some "coulda-shoulda" wins, and would still be in a position where we had to win out to get a bowl.

I was glad not to post it, but I had it ready for whenever something went terribly in overtime and we lost.

Was a really, really weird feeling to win that game.
It was crazy to me to see the defense knock them out of field goal position.

You don't see that much in OT.

Maggitt has come around too.
I was sort of surprised they even tried to kick it. It was 58 yards, iirc. I thought they'd just try to throw some ridiculous pass up and I could just picture Cooper catching it.
Well, 3 of those.

If they win out they'll be in the playoff fosho.
My dad looked it up just to see and I think Kansas has been the homecoming opponent of 4 other big-12 schools

Which is bad.
I remember the last time we played K-State in a bowl. Ugh, no thanks.

That game started at 10 am EST on New Year's Day too. Worst bowl ever of the modern era. At least the two Nebraska asskickings had the decency to be at night.
That game started at 10 am EST on New Year's Day too. Worst bowl ever of the modern era. At least the two Nebraska asskickings had the decency to be at night.

Yep. Those Peach bowls against ACC schools we overlooked were pretty bad too. (Although I'd love a Peach (Chic-fil-a) bowl now.)