Where is everyone?

So hipster he doesn't even see himself as a hipster. Very meta.
Scotty : homo :: Z : overzealous

Brown : hipster :: dbakes mic : flawless execution
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First of the month.

Fun fact: I've never been to Starbucks. Also have no intention to go, although I'm sure I will at some point.

Their coffee is expensive for just just plain black coffee and, in my opinion, roasted too dark under the expectation that it's going to be part of a frothy coffee cocktail rather than just a cup of coffee. I prefer a medium roast to begin with drunk black over a dark, gritty roast that needs cream or sugar.

Once or twice I've been in a circumstance where I needed coffee and that's all there was around, but I'd rather go almost anywhere else when possible.
I'm not a big coffee drinker.

I regard coffee as more of a tool than a drink: it's a cheap, extremely efficient caffeine-delivery device. I made myself start drinking it during my mid 20s when I was working in an office job and having trouble getting anything done in the morning; I made myself learn to drink it black because futzing around with cream and sugar was too big of a pain in the ass. Eventually I grew to enjoy the flavor in and of itself because that's what happens, but I certainly would never argue that anyone who doesn't drink coffee is missing out. Only that unlike most other acquired tastes, coffee's a useful one to have.
Tea > Coffee

Too fussy, at least for my purposes. The whole point of coffee is that it's simple enough that any five year old can operate a standard drip coffee pot in under 90 seconds, and then all you do is pour out cups and walk away. There are hipsters who make coffee into a whole pretentious sh itbag ritual, of course, but I am not one of them. I look at coffee like a hammer. Which is why I almost never go to Starbucks. Dunkin Donuts [sic], McDonald's, Burger King, Waffle House. That's good coffee.
Definitely the move on winter Sunday mornings

Speaking of winter and coffee, here is a damn good (but fussy) Irish coffee method, if any of y'all are interested in it. One tablespoon brown sugar and a shot and a half or so of Irish whiskey into the bottom of an 8-10 oz glass. (I use Bushmills white label for coffee.) Fill to about 3/4 of an inch below the rim with black coffee. Stir. Shake the fsck out of a carton of heavy cream until it's thick and frothy. Layer it in the glass over the coffee by pouring slowing over the back of a spoon (like making a black and tan). Sprinkle cinnamon on top. Ladies love it.
Too fussy, at least for my purposes. The whole point of coffee is that it's simple enough that any five year old can operate a standard drip coffee pot in under 90 seconds, and then all you do is pour out cups and walk away. There are hipsters who make coffee into a whole pretentious sh itbag ritual, of course, but I am not one of them. I look at coffee like a hammer. Which is why I almost never go to Starbucks. Dunkin Donuts [sic], McDonald's, Burger King, Waffle House. That's good coffee.

I don't own a traditional drip coffee pot. I use K cups during the week, one cup while walking the dog first thing in the morning and another one when I sit down to eat breakfast after the walk is over. On the weekends though, I grind beans and make one French press that'll yield right around 3 cups. Don't really consider myself to be a hipster though.

When I used to own a drip coffee maker I would always make a whole pot, assuming it would all get consumed eventually and then end up always wasting 1/4 to 1/2 a pot.
K cups are definitely the move. I had one two week audit that was a colossal pain in the ass. I pounded coffee religiously for those two weeks. Never drink regular coffee otherwise.

Friendly reminder that I don't have to do that **** anymore. Looking forward to the beautiful spring you guys
I don't own a traditional drip coffee pot. I use K cups during the week, one cup while walking the dog first thing in the morning and another one when I sit down to eat breakfast after the walk is over. On the weekends though, I grind beans and make one French press that'll yield right around 3 cups. Don't really consider myself to be a hipster though.

When I used to own a drip coffee maker I would always make a whole pot, assuming it would all get consumed eventually and then end up always wasting 1/4 to 1/2 a pot.

I was thinking more of the "I roast my own beans" crowd as far as the pretentious hipster thing goes. A French press is just a coffeepot. I usually use an Aeropress myself if I'm the only one drinking the coffee for the same reason: I end up wasting a lot of it if I make a pot at a time. (Or microwaving it the next day, which I'm not too good to do but which is sort of disgusting.)
I was thinking more of the "I roast my own beans" crowd as far as the pretentious hipster thing goes. A French press is just a coffeepot. I usually use an Aeropress myself if I'm the only one drinking the coffee for the same reason: I end up wasting a lot of it if I make a pot at a time. (Or microwaving it the next day, which I'm not too good to do but which is sort of disgusting.)

Haha, no, no bean roasting for me. And I've definitely done the microwave as well but there's no hiding that it's only a means to an end at that point because it isn't exactly enjoyable.
K cups are definitely the move. I had one two week audit that was a colossal pain in the ass. I pounded coffee religiously for those two weeks. Never drink regular coffee otherwise.

Friendly reminder that I don't have to do that **** anymore. Looking forward to the beautiful spring you guys

The convenience of K cups is impossible to argue against but, at first, I just wouldn't go that route due to the highway robbery they charge you for a 12 pack at a grocery store. Then, like with everything, Amazon Prime stepped in and changed my life. Just yesterday I ordered an 80 pack of K cups for the same amount that would have bought me 36 at the store.

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