Marlins at Braves

I'm not sure what you are referring to. I'll have to look.

Wu has been telling Archer and allvol to email him and it gets deleted before anyone can see it. No idea who's doing it
But is he coming here or to talkingchop? Lol, let's see how that email thing plays out

I just started SMH at myself for that one. I honestly thought that was the name of this place. Oops.

Allvol is probably feverishly searching that site for clues. Doh!
So verc or freak ever gonna answer about whether or not they wanna play?
I really did miss quite a bit today.

SN: I'm thinking teams are getting tired of playing the Braves and Pirates back to back Cardinals, Rockies, and now the Marlins in this short stretch
Haha. True.

I've never played. How much time investment are we talking about? I'd hate for it to interfere with my Not Watching Breaking Bad.

Other than the initial draft it is not very time consuming at all, especially compared to fantasy baseball.

The initial draft is the one time consuming part, but after that it is pretty much just setting your roster once a week
I knew this site wasn't talking chop. Lol I read that site everyday.
Haha yeah my bad on that one. I use to read it too until that Ben douche took over and tried to convince me that Freddie Freeman was at best average at first base and that Ken Griffey Jr was overrated. Haven't been back since and have unfollowed all that are connected to it.

Everytime I type in "Braves Chop" talking chop comes up first, hence the confusion.
I like the minor league stuff, but I feel ya. Basically for the minor league recaps

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