Fantasy Football League

What do Yall think about number of teams making playoffs? I didn't change it from the default of 4, but we went up to 14 teams this year. Six is a bad number and eight is over half the league. Any thoughts?
Haha I was kidding man.. It'll prob stay at 4 for this year, just hadn't given it any thought until you made your playoff comment and I'm open to suggestions, being a man of the people and all
Suck it Joe!

Lacy and Ingram pretty much sealed it for Noch last night.

As a fan of the Washington professional football team, the fact that you still have Romo to go means that nothing is over yet. Cowboys might be able to name their score tonight but I'm hoping they continue their strategy of trying to murder Murray from within the organization and give him the ball another 400 times.
i would need pretty monstrous nights from romo and morris. i think it's ova.

did about all i could from a GM perspective. Should have stuck with Denard starting, but I picked up a really productive defense and everythang.
I would stay at 4 or consider going to 6 with the top 2 getting a first round bye. Either way is cool with me.

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