Recent content by GreatWhiteNorth

  1. GreatWhiteNorth

    The Somewhat Serious Discussion Thread

    How are things @TBreazy
  2. GreatWhiteNorth

    The Somewhat Serious Discussion Thread

    The entire process of selling, moving, and buying is the worst. And I feel you on the relationship stress. I once had to call our realtor and have a private conversation to ask her to please just run everything through me because my wife was about to melt down like Chernobyl.
  3. GreatWhiteNorth

    The Somewhat Serious Discussion Thread

    Saw the specialist. Really no idea what is going on. Said the CT being clean was the biggest thing so that’s good. I had a test called a Methacholine Challenge test done, which ruled out asthma. At this point, it’s just give it more time and see if it goes away in a few months. If not, they’ll...
  4. GreatWhiteNorth

    New Career Ideas for Brown Thread

    Get over there brother. Y’all may never want to leave K-town when you do.
  5. GreatWhiteNorth

    The Somewhat Serious Discussion Thread

    They canceled my function test. Said the machine was down. 😐 I still have the appointment next Monday to meet the specialist. Where I’m sure he will say I need a function test.
  6. GreatWhiteNorth

    Where is everyone?

    Do not engage. I repeat…do not engage.
  7. GreatWhiteNorth

    Where is everyone?

    Congrats Wu
  8. GreatWhiteNorth

    The Somewhat Serious Discussion Thread

    Pulmonary function test on 12/3. At this point I just want to know what’s going on and get some relief. This inhaler ain’t getting it.
  9. GreatWhiteNorth

    The Somewhat Serious Discussion Thread

    Bump for a couple things… Today is my next-to-last November 15 before I retire. Also…I’ve been enduring respiratory issues since July. Persistent cough, shortness of breath, and my lungs just generally ache all the time. Really frustrating. I finally went to a doc and they did a CT scan. I...
  10. GreatWhiteNorth

    GWN's Fitness Thread

    That sucks dude. Put all that time into the prep and then have it go sideways like that is brutal. Grinding that shit out like that is legit. Lot of people would have packed it in. Nothing to do but let it motivate you for the next one.
  11. GreatWhiteNorth

    GWN's Fitness Thread

    I’ve got bubble guts just thinking about it
  12. GreatWhiteNorth

    GWN's Fitness Thread

    Definitely training efficiency
  13. GreatWhiteNorth

    Fantasy Football League

    Brother I don’t even know the names of the players any more.

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